Youth at any age
Youth at any age


Efter en period på ett år uppnås full kapacitet för tillväxtpotential, ett korrekt resultat av framgång kan sedan bedömas. Följande tidslinje hjälper dig att bedöma processen själv.

Efter operationen och inom de första dagarna, varierande från person till person, kan svullnad observeras. Detta är en naturlig del av läkningsprocessen. Svullnad börjar vanligtvis den tredje dagen och börjar minska med dag sex. Inom fem till sju dagar är det normalt att observera lite peeling i vissa delar av huvudet där operationen har utförts.
During this stage your hair will begin to grow between 1-2 mm, you may begin to use the correct washing procedure as demonstrated to you by our experts. This in turn shall lead to an improvement as the scabs begin to fall off
After one week your hair will start to grow noticeably during which time a feeling of itchiness, oiliness and the development of acne–like vesicles are perfectly normal. These are only temporary. New process of growth will last on average three months. During this time the newly grown hair may look thin as some follicles may grow at different rates. On completion of this phase your hair will begin to shed and will eventually grow back at a more even rate giving a thicker appearance.
During the fifth and sixth months a large percentage of the transplanted growth phase is complete. Some of the hair may grow in plumes or may be seen under the skin. The hair may grow 2-3 cm during this period and can be seen to thicken over time.
Between months eight and ten the patient will notice considerable results due to the operation. During these months the thickness of the hair increases greatly and the overall appearance of the patient is greatly improved.
Within one year of the operation the full results become obvious and the patient may expect continued growth for the remainder of their lives. By this stage the the patient is free to experiment with different hairstyles and colours, no special hair care will be necessary at all.
Concerning the grooming of your hair it is advised to use scissors for the initial three months and the if you wish you may use a razor, however it is strongly advised that you avoid dying of hair until a minimum of six months have passed.